Mike shares a quick overview of what is important at this time of the season (late winter/early spring).

Graeme & Mike discuss more information about preparing for the upcoming Maize season.

As the maize planting season approaches, careful preparation and strategic decision-making are key to achieving a strong yield. From selecting the right maize hybrid for your paddocks to ensuring optimal soil fertility and condition. Each step in the process plays a critical role in the success of your crop. Whether you're finalising your hybrid selection or fine-tuning your soil management practices, taking the time to plan and prepare can make all the difference. In this section, we’ll guide you through essential considerations to help you get the most out of your maize planting efforts, ensuring a productive and profitable season ahead.

Paddock and Maize Hybrid Selection

As you plan for the upcoming season, ensuring your paddocks are well-prepared and selecting the right maize hybrid is crucial for maximising yield. While many growers have already chosen their maize hybrids, it's not too late to make an informed decision if you haven't. The right maize hybrid selection should align with the specific characteristics of your paddocks, including soil type, climate conditions, and the intended use of the maize. It's important to know that a hybrid that is succesful on one farm may not see the same success on another.


To make the best choice, consider consulting with your local rural retailer or reach out to us directly. Our team can assist in evaluating your paddock conditions and recommend a fantastic maize hybrid tailored to your needs, ensuring a strong performance and excellent productivity.

Soil Fertility

Soil fertility is the foundation of a successful maize crop. Before planting, it's essential to understand the nutrient profile of your paddocks. Conducting a soil test will reveal the Ph level and the levels of key nutrients with the essential ones being:

  • Nitrogen. (N) 
  • Potassium. (K)

In addition to the essential N and K levels, there are some other key elements that your soil should be tested for which are: 

  • Phosphorus. (P)
  • Sulfur. (S)
  • Magnesium. (Mg) 
  • Zinc. (Zn)
  • Manganese. (Mn)

Testing these levels will reveal key information that allows you to adjust your fertilisation strategy to address any deficiencies and promote healthy crop growth. Balanced soil fertility not only supports robust maize development but also enhances resilience against pests and diseases, contributing to a more profitable harvest.

See more on paddock fertilisation here

Soil Condition

Achieving the right soil conditions is a critical step in growing a high-yielding maize crop. Soil preparation involves several steps, including tillage, moisture management, spraying out and addressing compaction or drainage issues. Proper soil structure promotes root development and water infiltration, which are vital for maize growth. To gain a deeper understanding of the necessary soil preparation techniques, watch the video above about some of Mike’s insights on key steps for optimising your soil.


Successful maize planting requires meticulous planning and coordination. While planting might seem straightforward, there are numerous factors to consider, such as:

  • Coordinating timelines with contractors.
  • Establishing dates of key milestones.
  • Having contingency plans.

Open communication with your merchant, contractor, and Corson Maize Agronomist is vital in ensuring all aspects of the planting process are aligned. Following the 6 ‘P’ approach—Positive Pre-Planning Prevents Poor Performance—can help you stay organised and anticipate potential challenges. By taking a proactive approach to planning, you can avoid common pitfalls and set the stage for a successful maize crop.


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