Replant Policy

Growing an excellent maize crop requires good planning and following best practice farming processes, however sometimes failures may occur.

At Corson Maize we will share some of the cost of a failed crop. We will supply replacement maize seed at half price if, within two months of planting, the crop fails and needs to be replanted.

This policy allows growers who have had a maize crop fail within two months of planting, after following good planning and best practice farming processes, to purchase replacement maize seed from Corson Maize at half price to re-sow the failed crop. The maize seed for the failed crop may have been purchased from Corson Maize or any other maize seed company. This Re-plant Policy does not apply to greenfeed or sweetcorn seed and does not include the cost of seed treatment and delivery.  

Corson Maize will provide replacement seed, including seed treatment for a failed Corson Maize crop (which has been planted in accordance good planning and following best practice farming processes) free of charge if, within two months of planting the crop fails and needs to be replanted. The 100% replant policy applies to 2024 Early Order Campaign (EOC) only, for seed purchased 1 May 2024 - 2 August 2024, with all other terms and conditions as per the Standard Replant policy below. Replacement seeds must be planted in 2024. An exclusion to this policy will be in the case of bird damage, for which the Standard Replant policy condition (as above) will apply if a crop has not been treated with Avipel Bird Repellent.

  • Corson Maize will determine whether the failed crop has been planted and managed in accordance with good planning and best practice farming processes at its complete discretion on an individual crop basis. A Corson Maize representative will need to assess the affected area and approve the replant.
  • The replant offer excludes greenfeed maize products and sweetcorn seed.
  • Replacement seed will be Corson Maize seed but may not be the hybrid originally planted.
  • Replacement seed is supplied on the basis that it will be planted in the same season that the crop failure occurred.
  • The replant offer excludes the cost of seed treatments.
  • The replant offer will not pay for the price of delivery. 
  • The replant offer is available while seed stocks last.
  • The replant offer does not apply to seed treated by a third party.
  • Corson Maize can vary and/or withdraw this replant offer at any time.
  • Replacement is at the complete discretion of Corson Maize on an individual crop basis.
  • The affected area will need to be assessed and replant approved by a Corson Maize Representative.
  • Purchase of Corson Maize seed and supply of replacement seed is subject to standard PGG Wrightson Seeds Ltd terms of sale.


Talk to your Corson Maize Sales Agronomist for further details.

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